Fri 10 Oct 2014

ARIADNE is organizing a two-day conference on 13 and 14 November in Rome. The conference is one of the official events of the Italian EU presidency and is organized in collaboration with our partner, the Italian Ministry of Culture (MIBACT). The theme is “Research Infrastructures and e-infrastructures” and is relevant for those who are interested in the EU strategy on these topics.
The first session, in the morning of the 13th, will include presentations by major actors in the infrastructure scene, including the Deputy Director-General of the DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, the deputy chair of ESFRI, and other authorities. We expect this session will offer interesting insights in the forthcoming review of the ESFRI roadmap and the second phase of Horizon2020.
The second session, in the afternoon of the 13th, will concern e-infrastructures and will be chaired by Mr Wim Jansen, EU officer of DG Connect. The third session, on the morning of 14th November, will concern research infrastructures including ARIADNE. The fourth and closing session, on the afternoon of 14th November will be dedicated to ARIADNE and its achievements.
The full programme is available at:
Participation is free but delegates must register at: